
Hello, it seems you have found your way to my website. This is a simple affair, nothing much to see here, but seeing as I own the domain I thought I should put something other than "hi lol" here.

Here you may or may not find links to things I have an interest in, or links to files that I have stored here for easy access. You may also find some software that if you decide to download, you do so at your own risk. I recently added the Airbus A400M game that was previously on the Airbus Defence and Space website, but has now been removed. I added this as I made a video (see here) of it a while ago, and recently someone asked where they can download it, so you can now find A400M: The Game here in the files list below!

This website is written very basic in HTML, so don't expect anything too amazing, although you may find the occasional advert placed through Google Adsense, because if you're here, I might as well try and make a little money out of you while you poke around in my stuff.

Oh, and I hope you like blue, and have the Calibri font installed on your system.